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I just finished playing the demo and I had to tell you guys that I really liked it! Really, all the pieces are in place for this to be a great visual novel, from the crisp design of the characters, to the fact that you have your own choice of protagonist. Even with the choice, I admit I fully expected I would go/do the same thing with the love interest, so imagine my surprise when I went to see a movie with Adrian as Jace and shopping with him as Hazel. I can already see a lot of work went into this and I absolutely love it.

That being said, one has to have a favorite, so I shall come forth and proclaim my love for Adrian(/Jace.) You guys did a legit job with those questions at the beginning, the game threw the boy my way first thing lol. Funny thing, I'm actually not that into the childhood friend trope but this is good stuff. From the fact that Adrian rarely smiles so Jace has to drag them out of him (so when he does smile, it's that much sweeter), to the fact that Adrian seems to be so in tune with Jace. They already have a strong bond and you can feel it through the  writing, chef's kiss man. I just keep thinking about this poor boi having to wait as I pull my head out of my ass and realise that yes I am in fact in love with my childhood friendIt has been said that Jace ran away when a guy hit on him, the drama, the freak out, maybe Jace trying to avoid Adrian as he ''thinks things through'' (aka he's an embarassed big baby) ah yes i can already see it and I'm here for it lol.

From Hazel's side, I'm really interested in Stephanie. On top of her actually being a cinnamon roll, I think both girls compliment each other nicely.

I didn't mean for this to get so long, good luck and I can't wait until the full version is released!

No worries! We love to get long comments like this and appreciate the feedback a lot :) Also Jace’s writer is really happy you’re excited for Adrian x Jace’s route and Hazel’s writer is happy you’re interested in seeing more of her with Stephanie!

Thank you for the well wishes!