Have a couple of questions in refrence to this video https://youtu.be/lTL15EJ4hVU.
- What kind of mission choices are you looking to allow? Side missions, Story missions, Plot decisions. and will they be player driven or "time?" (the mission goes on if the player makes a plot choice or ignores the choice). This is kinda what I wanted to ask but I'm having trouble asking the question I want to know cuz I do not know how to ask it in a coherent manner. if that makes sense?
- How complex are you looking to go with the mission variables? In the video looks something like this as a formula
<mission completion = (time * (Equipment point generating value * character stat value))- Difficulty> - Is there going to be some sort of crew inter relationship (this is more to do with mission specifics)
-say one crew member does not like one of the people getting married and does not show up to the Courting party thrown for taht crew member?
(I hope that getting two crew members married to one another is not a mission, that is so unprofessional and always leads to work center issues, lol. but seriously.)