Thanks for playing and providing feedback!
Yes, indeed the restart system is sorely missed :( I had to cut it at the last minute because it was bugging out, and i'm not happy with how it ended up, but alas, that's game jams! I also wanted to put some sort of tutorial, or at least diagram, for explanation of how to play, and I ran out of time for that too :'( sorry it was confusing (i knew it would be, I'll try to plan my time better next time)
To damage the enemy you need to amplify their shots and then use the rewind function to send the bullets back at the enemies. If you put the bullets through your amplifiers (the electric beams to the side of your ship) they will turn from white to yellow (and then if you keep moving back and forth through them they will turn to red then pink/purple). The shots need to be yellow to kill yellow enemies, red to kill red enemies and purple to kill purple enemies. You can amplify them on the way back too as theyre rewinding. The rewind function takes a bit of time to charge up, so you'll have to dodge and tag bullets until it's ready. Hope that helps you enjoy the game a bit more.
Yep! I'll definitely check it out! I'll have to do so tomorrow as its almost midnight here in Australia, but i'll put it on my to-do list :) Thanks again for the feedback and the playthrough!