Welp, this game took a long time to download.
I'm going to write out my thoughts as I play.
- I saw this game on the Brackeys discord server during development, can't wait until it downloads :D
- Loved the humour in the tutorial
- I kind of wish there was some kind of reload indicator, it's hard to tell when your gun will be reloaded, especially with the shotgun.
- Which button is melee? I have no clue. Tried pressing random buttons, turns out its E
- You can move super fast by spamming space and then melee, there's no wait for when the animation completes before you can do it again.
- I have what I like to think is a beefy computer. And your game crippled it. This game is in heavy need of some optimization.
- Now I've killed all the enemies at the base camp but have no idea where the rest of them are.
- In the Main Menu if I click the "Finale" button, it says "Fatal error!" and the game crashes. Then it says "SteamVR failed initialization with error code VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFound" ... I exited SteamVR and reopened the game, and now it works...
- I died when the boss was at 600 health, and didn't really feel like attempting it again.
- Also, you only use the theme at the very end of the game... it doesn't really have any impact on gameplay at all.
Overall, good game with amazing graphics that are unfortunately not very performant. The boss fight was fun but extremely difficult, and I ended up just abusing my dodge punch over and over. Also, the interpretation of the theme feels a bit lacking. This game is fun though, and a really solid entry. Nice job!