Hi there! Did you really make this in a week? I'm super impressed!
Obviously things like graphics and audio are full marks (although I did get dialogue clipping over the top of each other in the tutorial near the end). Also, I know others have mentioned the slowdown with the camp too; I suspect this is due to the fires having too many lights (I ran into a similar problem in a game i was developing). I'm not sure how lights work in Unreal compared to Unity, but maybe just have the fire particle effect have a sub effect with just a few lights, and get rid of the lights spawned by the fire particles themselves (if this does turn out to be the issue; which reading through your comments, sounds like it could be).
I was seriously impressed with how many mechanics you were able to fit in as well (although potentially unnecessary for a game-jam since I barely had time to use them all in the jungle haha; I went to melee someone at the end just for the sake of using it). There probably weren't enough scenarios to necessitate all the weapons either, but it's cool you had them anyway I guess.
Alas, the game crashed after I killed all the enemies in Guerilla :( I then went to start the finale scene from the menu and died to the boss eventually and it crashed then too; i tried to restart the finale from the menu and it then immediately came up with the crash message before even loading the level (I have a Geforce GTX 1060 if that helps).
So crashing errors and sound clipping aside, here are my suggestions:
>Better adherence to the theme: My only real gripe was the adherence to the theme seemed a bit weak tbh. I'm not sure I consider it going back to 1969 when most of the enemies are robots :P and then going back in time at the end to go through the door was an interesting idea, but too underutilised (but I understand you ran out of time; its hard in game jams to fit so much in). I must admit, I didn't think to use the TAB button to go back in time mid-boss-fight, but i thought about it after I died and then went to retry and the game was crashing so wouldnt let me :( Is that something you can do? As in can you go back in time mid-fights to get some respite? If so that would be a cool thing, but you would need some way to make it interesting when you go to the alternate timeline (as in, it would be boring if you just went back there to an empty area to wait for your slow-mo-meter/stamina to recharge).
>Make the boss a bit shorter, or with more obvious patterns. I would just dash around/run away until my slow-mo bar was almost full, then I'd activate slow-mo and unleash all my weapons at point blank range on her (i also tried spamming Shift+E at her at one point too, which did a lot of damage but she also damaged me). But that felt a bit lame, and was still taking aaaagggeess to kill her. I think its probably better with boss fights to have easily identifiable patterns and a weakness to exploit. E.g. make her charge up a projectile attack that she aims at you when she throws them so you have to move to long range to dodge them; then have her do charged up melee dash attacks which she locks in a direction at the start of the move (so telegraphs her attack) so its best if you move close and sidestep her; then have her recharge her batteries at which point the player should activate slow mo and pound her and the pounding should take off about a third of her health (so they should only have to repeat this about 3 times to win).
>The enemies in guerilla seemed to all come from behind me except for the final few at the camp. I thought that was an odd choice for level design. I think having them in front with maybe one or two flanking would be better (but that's a minor thing really).
>But, ultimately, I think the advice I could give overall (which i should give myself too since I also ran out of time haha) is just limit the scope of the game as much as possible. Since it was for a game-jam you probably didn't need all the features you added in since they only got used once in the game anyway really; it might have been better to just have focussed on the slow-mo and rewind feature with just one level.
Wow I just wrote a lot... re-reading what I wrote, it sounds negative, but there is only a lot of writing because of how much your game managed to fit in! I'm seriously impressed you were able to do so much in such a short amount of time, it's quite incredible! You should be very proud of yourself!