i forgot to mention i am using the itch.io desktop app. so it gets installed and updated by the app, and opened into what i presume is it's own browser(?). i just tried to save in chrome, it worked and i noticed that prompt came from my browser itself. So i'm guessing the itch.io app just can't handle that specifically?
Never had an issue with this before in the app with any other games though but then again yours might be the first that asks me to name my save file. if it works fine in browsers though, i'll just have to make sure i play the game outside of the itch.io app.
Hmmm.. I hadn't even thought about the Itch app itself. I'll try and see what I can do. I'll make a note on the game page for now, saying that something in the app browser isn't happy with the save code.
The code snippet I'm using for the save function is from an IntFiction post by the developer of SugarCube. But with browsers being what they are it can be quirky to support all different iterations of it.
Thanks for letting me know!
A fix has been pushed to remove the ability to name a saved game, which is where the prompt() error was coming from. More details can be found here: ttps://cooldevo.itch.io/survival-games/devlog/169589/012-released