lilac: . . . ;w;
Toby: hey i think i hear crying somewhere
Masky: where?
Toby: like in that bush or somethin idk could just be me but ima check it out!
lilac: -oh crap- -haha jokes on you I'm behind the bush now-
Toby: *is already looming over you* hey Masky found a dragon thing in the bush
Masky: a dragon??
Toby: yep!
lilac: uhh . . . I'm nothing but an illusion . . . :3
Toby: .......Masky help i dunno if she is
Masky: do your illousons ever say that?
Toby: yes, yes they do
Masky: well shes real
lillac: . . . You don't know that
Toby: *punches you in the face and breaks you nose* ok shes real! also sorry about that!
lillac: ow ;w;
Toby: *you also start to notice he bounces and twitches an awful lot* oh sorry aout that i punched to hard didnt i?