Day Something Something
I'm currently feeling the effects of pain meds due to unfortunate RL things that came up. I feel like I could satirize things related to that if only I had more brain power within reach.
The particle system works and I have all the programming for the obvious bits. However, I need to come up with good test bits to test them with, preferably that work well as levels. I've decided I'm going to just go for it, assume the things I have in mind will work semi-well, and just dish out a map to play.
Also, I managed to create a piece of music. It's not a good match, but it's the best I could come up with on the spot. I really don't like putting other people's creative assets in my games unless the game was a collaboration, but I'm only so good at music and sound.
At this point I very much doubt I'm going to be able to put in anything extra in time, including the ability to play it in a browser.