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My thoughts while playing the game:

  • Beautiful mapping
  • Lovely music, too
  • lol the battle music with Lucius is intense
  • Such a sad story! Is this one where everyone dies?
  • I like the maze set piece near the end. Keeps it feeling like a game, rather than a bunch of cutscenes. It was a little hard to figure out where the goal was, but I got it!
  • Ah, not everyone dies. Yay!

Overall, this was a story that pulls at the heartstrings. The art is great, and the music is suitably emotional (and mostly not default). Story is coherent and free of major grammatical/spelling errors. Good job!


I did find one minor mapping error.

But it is very minor and really the only critical thing I can say about this game. 

Thank you so much for feedback! It means a lot. The story had to be adjusted a few times during development to meet the jam's cut off date. I'm really happy it still turned out comprehensible and emotional.

Great find on the mapping error! I'll get that fixed up in the post jam update. Thanks again!