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My friend is wondering about a multiplayer function that allows only 2 people to give the function of twins to the lore, it'll boost the challenge of course as they could enter the battle the other one is in adding additional enemies by doubling the number like there's 3 enemies, it would then become 6 as it'll make it tougher and the twins would have their own party so one twin could have only 1 member as the other would have 2 members for example, it'll add diversity to combat as it'll be very useful for placement with the beings in the game like the archers are in the back so they'll be hit the least amount unless the enemy has a bow so it'll put risk to the front line people, as the archers has too be covered by a person or they'll be free to hit as their would most likely be servers for friend's to play in, as it'll make the game alot more interesting!  Hope you add it.

Bugs I found: Only found 3.5

Follower's being completely removed when they didn't "Die".

The female werewolf "lunging", and when trying to tame a male or female they'll be Abit bugged out.


Being trapped after being caught rarely making me have to set up a new save and (this is the .5 part) sometimes I'm not even able to go to menu to save as this only happened once while being trapped happened 4 times already. 

Just wanted to inform you about that have a nice day/night!

But my personal idea is bosses for every 10 floors and a miniboss for every 5 as the minibosses could be tameable, and if other's already thought about this then cool! I'm not the only one.

Hello! Thanks for playing! I will go though both of these:
Multiplayer is probably a no go. I don't see myself doing it with Tamer.
The boss idea is in-line with the current plan for the game, while mini-bosses are in the cards, no work has actually been done towards them, so its a wait and see. The bosses every 10 floors are planned. Giant, Medusa, Skeleton King, Dragon, Kraken Queen, Alpha wolf, and a Frankenstein monster are all planned, not in any particular order though. The 1st will come out when the next lot of floors is released.
Thanks again for playing!

alrighty, there ain't alot of multiplayer games that are erotic, that's why my friend wish it was since it seems like a cool option to have as twins would be cool, but I'll go inform them.