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Nice idea, felt a bit weird to play, though all the problems I had can be fixed with a bit of unity knowledge.

-The hitboxes were a bit disjointed for the platforms, creating the feeling that the character is somehow levitating. It's not a huge problem but that makes the game look more amateurish.
Along that, there is no need for triangular hitboxes on the spikes, even more if you want your character to walk on them. A square/rectangle around the shape would feel better. (Bonus point if the death hitbox is a bit smaller than the spike, to make it seems more fair)
-The rewind mechanic is nice, but I didn't really understood the explanation on the sign. Since its a rewind, I took it that it was the classical "go back to where you were X seconds ago". Which caused a suicide while trying to get the first rewind coin. So, yeah, a better explanation would be nice, but it's cool. Should also have a "start rewind" button, for when you have no more use for your clone, or it fell in a bottomless pit, so that we don't have to wait until the end of the timer.
-For your moving platforms, give them a constant speed. I don't know if you used an animation, or a Vector3 lerp for them, but it's pretty annoying when there is a platform that changes speed depending on its movement.
-Finally, I don't know if it's a consequence of the hitboxes, or some weird work on the animation, but your character is seemingly vibrating when you don't move. This doesn't change the gameplay but it looks bad and thus makes your game a bit worse. Same for the jump animation that looks pretty weird.

Overall, really cool, even more for a beginner's game. Only needs more polish/unity knowledge.


Thank you SO much for such detailed feedback. I will definitely note these down and get polishing asap :D 

I see what you mean now with it looking like the character is levitating, I never really noticed that before. I also didn't notice the moving platforms weren't moving at a constant speed, I think I played the game through too many times to notice T_T

I will definitely look into fixing some of the colliders. The character "vibrating" is just his idle animation, he kinda wobbles on the spot I guess xD I've actually already added a change so you can manually rewind the character without having to wait the full time, this was something a lot of people mentioned but unfortunately we ran out of the time. I will be uploading a more polished version of the game after the game jam!