Nice idea. The intro before the main menu is pretty stylish. But the game is difficult, to be honest. And one of the things that makes it difficult is the ability to grab weapons. Not the ability itself, of course, but the fact, that you are contantly moving and it is hard to grab any weapon midair (and impossible when it is on the ground). And if you stop then you are most likely dead. It makes the game almost unforgiving - you have to aim precisely at a weapon. Maybe increasing the trigger zone for grabbing weapons would do the trick.
The concept is very cool and it has some good humour, but it lacks some fluidity (is this the right word? I hope you get what I mean) which Superhot has (the game is all about planning and the 'time moves when you move' part also works as an instrument of planning). Mostly, this is because you are struggling to grab a weapon, while enemies are already shooting at you, making it a bit chaotic.
Nice take on the theme, visuals and sfx are good, well done!