Very nice! I think it's the project with the largest scope in the jam. I like how you were one of the few who still took the theme as "time rewind" but didn't just make you rewind back to your previous position. Very good! I loved the interpretation.
There are a few things that I would like to point out, though, even knowing fully well that I would never be able to make something this elaborate in just one week (maybe even a month!). There are a few visual and gameplay bugs, but those don't bother me at all, since checkpoints are plentiful and restarting takes like a microsecond. But the combat in the 3D sections is a bit of a weak point. The fact that you can't aim and need to look at the enemy directly to shoot (maybe there's a tolerance) is kind of bothersome, especially with the way the character controls. The character takes a long time to turn, which is not bad! It feels responsive. But when you need to point her at the enemies to shoot it kind of gets on your way. Since you already use the mouse button to shoot, why not have the mouse dictate where the shot goes, instead of shooting directly forwards? Or maybe lose the mouse button to shoot and instead use a "lock on" mechanic where you can force shots to home in on the closest enemy. But I don't think combat was supposed to be the main point of the game, so it didn't bother me that much!
Also, the transition from 3D to 2D and vice-versa could be shorter! It takes so long that it doesn't encourage players to change between them all the time. Or, as I found out, sometimes it does, in an unintended way: platforms keep moving while you stay still while changing, so I was able to use that to "float" in mid-air to fix a mistake I did. It also made me kind of dizzy looking at the camera rotating so much in such a short time.
But those are relatively minor complaints. I really enjoyed the game and would love to see more of it! Great job! Very technically impressive, too!