It's a bit too easy, which makes it feel short as well. I would start by adding a limit to the rewind power, since right now you can just spam it and simply go take the key. That being said, you deserve a high rating based on the pixelart alone. Even if it's short, I did play it from start to finish and had fun, so I would encourage you to keep working on it. Awesome job!
Hey didn't expect for you to reply, thank you, and also thanks for you praise. Well... I'll be working in this game for the future and I'll take notes on all of the things you and the other had said to my game. Nevertheless I'll try my best to make the playtime longer as well as balancing the game's difficulty based from your feedback. And lastly, the REWIND is INFINITE becuase the game is based upon the Braid afterall, it is by design, however I'll try and recinsider your reply about rewind in mind. Thank you for stopping by OcO.