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As a fan of action puzzlers and especially tetris, this game hit me in the feels. A really cool take on the mechanics. It's actually similar in certain ways to a game we did for a game jam a while back (Roustabout on my profile if you care to see). This game takes it in a much more action direction and I really enjoyed it. Got my butt kicked, though. Highest score I was able to hit was just over 1000.

I wish that there was a little more of an indication on what side pieces were coming in (even if it didn't show me which piece) so I could try to prepare the board a little better. (gotta find something to give meaningful feedback :) ). Solid entry and I had a good deal of fun playing this.

I will admit I didn't experiment much with telegraphing incoming blocks, I basically always left it as 'the block spawns, then starts moving in 2 seconds'. I'm not sure how much sense it makes to have both.

Took a pretty quick look at Roustabout, and there are some some similarities but they're more different than similar I feel. I always like seeing space optimization puzzles, though!

The core of "having a character organizing tetrominos" is really the similarity I was referring to. I really like the idea of that mechanic because it really does drastically change how you understand and interact with the game pieces. Kudos to your take on it, though -- it plays really well.