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ok, I started off with this as a simple "enjoyment" project.

But the characters are soooo well written, that I couldn't but be completely immersed in the world.

I actually started to have feelings for both Naomi and Lyanna... and I saw Melanie as a daughter figure. So much for the "Corrupt" playthrough I was initially planning.

The plot was awesome and the personalities and stories unfolding was outstanding. 

I can't wait for further updates. This is clearly a 10/10 game!

Some complaints, though:

I don't mind Lucia, but the way many of the scenes played with MC just taking it without saying or doing something was too much. Like the breakfast handjob was highly annoying, and I would never allow that to happen, so taking away that choice was pretty frustrating.

Also her just popping in on the one on one talk with Melanie was infuriating. Really made me want to discipline her, so she know her place, but instead MC just let her have here way with him. Stuff like that really broke the immersion for me.

Now I am gonna try an asshole playthrough where I bang everybody... I hope I can manage to do that! :-P

Keep up the good work, this is one of the best games out there!