Multi-layer interpretation solution
NES games have only one background layer. Therefore in games with multiple graphical layers object in the front layer will completly hide the one in the back layer or both objects apperance will be mixed in the same tiles. However we can interpolate the missing graphic of the back layer based on surround shapes to create the correct multi-layer representation. To do it we use a pair of script tagged "bg" and "bg1". The surround shapes will be tagged "bg" and the target 3dShape will be tagged "bg1" and play the role of a "place holder".
- "bg" script: pattern parameters used in the script:
- CData[1]: if the value is different than 0 then the shape texture will not be used as background texture in case there is different shapws in the bg region/slot
- CData[2] : the tolerance delta deternimes if a background shape belongs to a backgroun region/slot. If this value is -1 then the shape will be treated like the sole bg region in the current frame
function Start() bgSlot = {} MaxSlot = 10 for i = 1, MaxSlot do bgSlot[i] = {} end end function End() bgSlot = nil end function Update() bgCount = 0 bgOne = 0 end function Connect(s, slot, delta) local r = s.Palette == slot.shape.Palette and s.tStart.x <= slot.ex + delta and <= s.tEnd.x + delta and s.tStart.y <= slot.ey + delta and <= s.tEnd.x + delta; return r; end function UpdateS() if bgOne == 1 then return end if shape.Bg then if shape.CData[2] == -1 then bgOne = 1 bgCount = 1 local slot = bgSlot[1] = -1 = -1 slot.ex = 33 slot.ey = 31 = 0 slot.shape = shape return end for i = 1, bgCount do local slot = bgSlot[i] local delta = max(, shape.CData[2]) if Connect(shape2D, slot, delta) then = min(, shape2D.tStart.x) = min(, shape2D.tStart.y) slot.ex = max(slot.ex, shape2D.tEnd.x) slot.ey = max(slot.ey, shape2D.tEnd.y) = delta if slot.shape.CData[1] ~= 0 then slot.shape = shape = delta end return; end end if bgCount < MaxSlot then bgCount = bgCount + 1; local slot = bgSlot[bgCount] slot.shape = shape = shape2D.tStart.x = shape2D.tStart.y slot.ex = shape2D.tEnd.x slot.ey = shape2D.tEnd.y = shape.CData[2] end end end function min(a,b) if a < b then return a end return b end function max(a,b) if a > b then return a end return b end
- "bg1" script: pattern parameters used in the script:
- CDatap[0] : bg texture will have this offset while applying to this place holder
function In(shape2D, bgSlot) return shape2D.tStart.x + 1 >= and shape2D.tStart.y + 1 >= and shape2D.tEnd.x <= bgSlot.ex + 1 and shape2D.tEnd.y <= bgSlot.ey + 1 end function Start() bg1List = {} bg1Count = 0 end function Update() for i = 1,bg1Count do bg1List[i] = nil end bg1Count = 0 end function UpdateS() if shape.Bg then bg1Count = bg1Count + 1 bg1List[bg1Count] = shape end end function LateUpdate() for j = 1,bg1Count do local select = nil local shape = bg1List[j] for i = 1, bgCount do local _bgSlot = bgSlot[i] if shape.Shape2D ~= _bgSlot.shape.Shape2D and In(shape.Shape2D, _bgSlot) and (not select or (select.ey - > _bgSlot.ey - then select = _bgSlot end end if select then shape.Enable = true local bgShape = select.shape shape.customPalette = bgShape.Palette shape.Layer = bgShape.Layer shape.Offset.z = bgShape.Offset.z shape.CastShadow = bgShape.CastShadow shape.RecvShadow = bgShape.RecvShadow shape.slot = bgShape.slot shape.texOffset.x = shape.CData[0] shape.Scale.z = bgShape.Scale.z * bgShape.sizeZ / shape.sizeZ shape.Alpha = bgShape.Alpha shape.Pivot.z = 0 else shape.Enable = false end end end