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Hi Ajané,

I love your work so much and the wait is always worth it! ^_^ I know you had some bad comments by unhappy followers and that makes me sad because I love your work (sorry repeating myself XD). I trust your intuition as a wonderful creator and I, for one, don't care if Naoki as one less chapter. I believe the worth of a story isn't its lenght but it's quality! :D I love this story so far and I am sure I will love Naoki's!

What I like about this community is how much heart the creators give to their games and that's what I love about you!! ^_^

I hope you are taking care of yourself and I am patiently waiting to see your work either right now or in the future!

(1 edit) (-2)

This comment is so sweet and cute ajdjsj 🥺 Thank you so very much. Any negativity aside, I really believe I have the best fans and that's why I want to do everything to make sure you guys enjoy what I do, but that also makes me feel pressured sometimes. 

Hearing you say that really made my night, and I'll keep it close to my heart whenever I start worrying about things like this again 🥰