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Quite a nice simple concept! Would have liked to have seen more levels, but such is the nature of game jams :P 

Things I particularly liked:

>The graphics: Nice clean aesthetic. 

>The audio: I felt the background music and sound effects worked well for the game

>The concept: I was keen to explore the concept more, but it felt like it finished when it was just starting.

Things to improve upon for next time:

>I find it quite frustrating in puzzle games when you can accidentally put the puzzle in an unsolveable state, I think you should always try to allow a player to undo previous mistakes where possible, rather than forcing them to restart the level (or in this case game haha). On the final level the cube can lower the purple drawbridge, but if they dont rewind at that point before going over the bridge then they will get stuck on the other side of the level and will be unable to complete the puzzle, forcing them to restart. I think since this is still an introductory level (and since the player is unaware that the purple button on the other end of the bridge will raise the drawbridge without any way for them to lower it again) it would have been better to have a button that raises the drawbridge unavoidably right after the one that lowers it, that way the player cannot progress without lowering the bridge and then rewinding their colour first before crossing (as if they still have the colour the bridge will raise again). Sorry, this is a long winded way of saying 'make sure the player can undo their actions, or at least has all the info up front' :P

>The movement is slightly unintuitive since the arrow keys/WASD follow the cardinal directions, but the map is shown in an isometric layout, thus you aren't sure which space the cube will move to when you press UP (will it go Up-left, or Up-right) without experimentation. Obviously the player will get used to this quickly, but I'm not sure they should need to; probably slight realignment of the camera may fix this.

>More levels :)  I was just starting to get into it when it ended (this is a good problem to have haha). But I understand this is a game jam and its hard to develop much content in time :) I can foresee some interesting uses of the mechanic already :) 

Well done! :)