Penelope: *rips of her muzzle, throws it at you and jumps out the window and starts walking away*
Penelope: *she just looks at you for a moment*
Penelope: *she then goes back, picks up her mask, and throws it at a window so everyone can know that she left, becuz no one has noticed yet but she ripped out her wind-up key, witch is attached to her heart, witch she PUT ON A FREAKING TABLE*
Penelope: *mouth bye as she turns back around*
*dude if any of those dues heard a frickin nose that sounded like a window breaking i think they would go check it out*
*well, Paige, Colin, and maybe Malcolm would, and here are the reasons why just cuz*
*paige would becuase Paige has a ton of enimies, Colin would becuase hes the only one who really looks out for the others, and Malcolm would becuz rival cults (yes thats a thing) might try to break in*
Penelope: *she is pretty far away now*
Penelope: *she starts breaking down on the road/street/driveway becuase she ripped her frickin heart out, specifically she starts shaking violently and falls on her knees*
Penelope: *she tries to say soemthing, but even her voice box is having issues*
*also, withut her wind-up key, she could die*
*and ets just hope David didnt accidently eat her heart or anything, it was just lying on a table after all*
Penelope: *she actualy starts trying to get you to let go of her, something shes never dne while trying to escae, witch she has done tons of times before*