*because im emotionally gone and don't know how to make others feel things :D*
Melody: *shrug*
*.......* cue me trying to fucking comprihend how that works*
* just think about how the character would react to a situation*
* what emotions and response would fit this characters personality?*
Penelope: *in her mind: maybe i should die, maybe everyone would be better off without me, and even if Colin would miss me, i dont think Paige would, shes so much of a bitch and a snob, and i bet shed like one less mouth to feed*
Penelope: * and maybe David and the green one would miss me, but i dont think i showed them enough affection, and David woud enjoy eating me*
Penelope: *and *sigh* i GUESS Malcolm and the cult would miss me.....there isnt anything i can do to argue that*
Penelope: *and.....based on what i can still hear of Melody, i dont think she would miss me, i mean, we never really ever talked to each other before now, most she heard of me was what the others said while i was getting "better" at the asylum*
alright then
Penelope: *she sparks more than before, and something starts burning*
Penelope: *in her mind: hey, why in the FUCK is no one helping me??? Colin was RIGHT THERE, why isnt he helping me up? i KNOW Paige and David must have at least heard something and last i checked Shrignold (the " pesky bee") was following me*
see at least Shrignold is easy to do even if you dont have emotions, becuase its pretty plain and ovious Shrignold isnt she sharpest tool in the shed but he cares, making him easy to do in all catignories