It’s a good concept with some potential but the execution needs to be improved. I really enjoy rhythm games that incorporate action into it (e.g. Crypt of the Necrodancer). When playing this game, the music was out of sync with the arrow keys - it was slightly faster than the arrow keys, the arrow keys came late, so I couldn’t get into the flow at all and had to constantly watch the arrows. I thought this was a problem with the browser version, but when playing on Windows, it’s the same thing. Was it programmed to ensure that the total delta of the _physics_process (time passed) matched the audio playback time when setting the position of the arrows? You need to take time between rendered frames on screen into account. Maybe I’ll check your GitHub when I have the time 😄
Some of the arrow keys didn’t feel like it matched the music. There are only 4 notes, but for whatever reason I had to press 6 arrows, it doesn’t make sense. Sometimes, the music plays a certain note, and when that note plays again, I would expect it to be the same arrow that plays that note, but no, it’s a different arrow. Vice versa, when a note changes, the arrow should change too.
I really like the fact that the monsters only appear when you miss. That’s a good design decision. I would appreciate it if the monsters died when coming into contact with the player too, just to ease the pressure a little bit. The game also needs sound effects, when getting hit, so you know the monster got you; and very importantly, sound effects when you miss the beat. Without this player feedback, it’s very difficult to get into a rhythm game.
I really like the concept and I can see a lot of potential for this type of game to shine. I apologize if this was too long, but it was only because I was excited for the game. Overall, despite not being able to get into flow with the music, I enjoyed the opportunity of trying it out. Great effort!