Penelope: *has been tramarized by Colins computer trap hell*
Penelope: *her tear ducts still work even if she cant move her face*
melody: :T
Colin: all done!
Penelope: thanks Dad *she gives you a small hug, and walks into Shrignolds room becuz Shrignold is da kindest butterfly boi*
stringy boi: heya Penelope
Penelope: heya Shrignold!!
Penelope: hey, i was meaning to give you something for helping me *she gets out a smol jar of honey and a Ziploc bag of gravel* here dude!
stringy: thank u very much ^^
Penelope: youre welcome buddy! *smol pat on le back and a kiss on the check* ^ ^
stringy: ^^
Penelope: ^ ^...hey buddy, Malcolm treatin ya ok?
stringy: yup!