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stringy boi: :> ?

Penelope: what Malcolm is "teahcing" you......its not love at all

stringy boi: wh what do you mean it's "not love" of COURSE it is

Penelope: okay

Penelope: well, but isnt love also being with someone like Paige and whats-his-face are? how can love being with someone and being alone?

stringy: .....

Im sorry, what now?

Penelope has bamboozled Shrignold by questioning everything Shrignold knows about "love"

let me explain:

Shrignold was taght the story of the ugly guy who died alone in a cave, and Malcolm says thats what "love" is

yet Shrignold knows that Paige and whoever being married is love

so Penelope asked witch one is real love

Penelope: go ahead and think about that for a moment Shrignold

stringy: 👁-👁... its both(?) Love, just different types

Penelope: but dont different types have to be simmalair Shrignold?

Penelope: and these are opposites, so they cant be the same thing Shrignold

Penelope: one of them has to be fake

Penelope: why dont you get my phone so we can both see witch one is real love, and witch one is a trap so Malcolm can be a murderous abusive fucker to you?

Stringy: thats not true, straight and gay are opposites. But its both love right? Therefore there is many different types of love, they don't have to be similar to be love *throws little red heart confetti at u*

Penelope: yes, but those both have something in common

Penelope: youre not alone in both, same with any sexuality

Penelope: but what does Malcolm say love is?

Penelope: being alone , witch is the opposite of both straight and gay witch, as you said is love