stringy: but thats *throws more* not what he's teaching us, everyone has a special one, you just have to wait for them. Even Michael*throw* has a special one
breh Malcolm finna kick her ass for tryna teach Shrignold that hes a big abusive lair
Penelope: NO IM NOT! IM TRYING TO AKE SURE YOU DONT DIE!!......i care about you just trying to make sure you dont get killed......becuase one day youre little heart is gonna give out, and no one is going to care.....
Penelope: *she takes Shrignolds hands off his ears and gives him a smol kiss*
Penelope:..... im not lying to you Shrignold, deep know what im saying is true, we should hide or something, Malcolms gonna sacfrifce you to your stupid fake gravel "love" god any minute now, becuase im sure he heard my screaming