@Norbez: No prob, thanks for coming back to it! Picking up all the clues at once will be pretty intimidating at first, but by using the click and WASD, you should be able to pull out a few Clues at a time from the pile, which you can then sort accordingly. In hindsight, I probably should have cut the pages up into 4ths or 6ths instead of 12ths, to turn the total number of pieces into 52 or 78 rather than the unmanageable 156. Sadly, assembling the journals will reveal the story, but there's no other game reward for doing so; once you collect them all, Holmes can find out where he needs to place his watch to reactivate the time machine. I was hoping to make a cutscene of the machine being activated, with flashing lights and a thunderclap and whatnot (as described in the book), but all I managed was this fadein: