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Nice concept but I didn't really see how the evil trees could kill the player.  All I had to do was move back and forth to figure out which trees are evil and then approach them while they can't move.  Maybe if there was an alternate attack for evil trees and if you didn't use that attack they'd kill you, or maybe I was just lucky.  I really liked the concept and had fun playing it.


In order to make the game less random and more "fair", I made it so that evil trees cannot kill you before you have seen them move. Overall, the game is not too challenging, indeed, though it is entirely possible to lose when moving back-and-forth over a larger distance with a large amount of evil trees.

Cool.  I didn't see the higher difficulty settings, but it's definitely more challenging on the higher levels.  I could totally see this as a mobile game that ramps up the difficulty as you advance in levels.