nice little game you made, really like it. Reminded me a lot of these old 80's -90's detective series on tv. Same music, same narative story, same typewriter sound. played and rated.
please feel free to play and rate my game:
Super glad you liked the game! I worked hard just like everybody else, and I'm both glad and disappointed by the outcome, which is the only downside to game jamming in my opinion.
I'll be sure to check out your game if I can get it working! I believe I was having some troubles with it earlier. I'll try and figure something out.
unzip end double click the .exe file should make it work. to bad I can only check windows build, so if you are on a mac or linux I can not check if something is wrong. I did try the HTML build to make it playable on the site but that fecked up my lighting.
about your own game, don't be to hard on yourself, people who can manage to make a AAA-studio game in 9 days are not existing :).