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(3 edits)

Really cool game; good and clean art and the different colors between levels is also nice. the time rewinding is done very well here and is one of the better time rewinding ones ive reviewed; music moves backwards, enemies move backwards, player moves backwards; all good. The bouncing on enemies mechanics is also surprisingly fun especially since repeatedly bouncing sends you much higher each time. I observed that it is possible to finish the level without collecting the stars, whether this is intentional or not is unknown. My main critique would have to be that climbing ladders is buggy when climbing the middle but consistent when climbing the sides and entering doors is also somewhat buggy. Anyways, good game. 

Also it seems to be that you accidentally included an additional copy of the zip file of the game in the zip file of the game.

Thanks for your comment!

I planned for this to be more of a puzzle type game where you could go back and finish stuff later but I spent a little too much time implementing the time reversing mechanics and trying to do some other stuff that didn't work out so I never fixed the ladders and what I was planning on doing with the doors.

Also, thanks for letting me know about the extra zip file, I'm unsure of how I messed that one up.