That's strange... Mine seems to be working just fine. Would you mind telling me which version were you playing it on? (PC, android or Mac) and if you could also attach a picture of the error.
I was playing PC 1.0.1! I'll go ahead and get a screenshot of the error message, although I don't know if that error is related to the other bug since I selected rollback instead of ignore.
I tried it again and when I selected pancakes I still got Gran's order. I went back and picked the pancakes to begin with and that caused no issue, it seems to be just when selecting Gran's order first.
Ah! I see where it went wrong now. Looks like I miss-typed one of the variable by accident... Thanks for pointing out! It should be fixed in the next update! (Which is soon ;))
Thank you for your time, cheers and have a great day!