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Hi everyone !

I'm a Game Designer / Developper (when there is no other ^^) and I'm pationate by VR.

I'll be participating to this jam and the Ludum Dare in Paris, so if anyone is there too it would be great to meet and work together.

With a bit of chance I'll be developping on a brand new HTC Vive (When I say chance, I mean if HTC would like to wake up with their delivery in Europe and send it to me in time... 5 days late now...). If not, I have a DK2 at disposition (yes it's less sexy but it's there at least ^^).

My email is

For now I'm alone so feel free to contact me if you want to team up with me =)


Hey Eldarne!

My name is Camden and I'm a sound designer / composer. I would absolutely LOVE to make a game on the HTC Vive! The DK2 would be cool too lol! Here's a link to a video of my demo I made in Unity:

my email is