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Ahh I apologize for the late reply! Thank you so much ;; This made my day <3 <3 I hope to finish polishing sometime in the future!

Not stupid at all! Anna x Kierce are supposed to be a pairing but quite honestly I don't remember if it's in the game yet since I intended to re-write the route when things looked up a bit! I fully intend to fix them soon :) Thank you so much for playing and for the tidbits of help! You made my day and I'll be sure to polish it when I can <3

No need to apologize, I thank you a lot for reply.

Anyway, I tried to reach Kierce ending again now, and it seems I just wasn't spamming hangouts enough before - it indeed is there - and even though I have to admit that I did not like his character as much as others before, that changed now :). So that was mistake on my part, and I'm sorry for that.

Thanks a lot again, good luck with everything, and take your time (as I said - enjoyed this game a lot so far).