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(1 edit) (+1)

I think I have now addressed a fair number of the concerns that people are having over the game, but I don't think I'm allowed to upload an update until ratings have finished? Anyway, in the latest version (not uploaded yet) I have made the following changes:

  • Removed insta-kill spikes and replaced it with the player losing a heart and respawning at the location they were last on solid ground
  • Less strict jumps by having "ledge protection" that still allows you to jump if you were on the floor very recently to prevent not being able to jump if you time your jump press slightly late. This makes the jumps at the end much easier.
  • Removed "spammable" attack by limiting it to 2 shots a second, making
    you need to be more careful about how you aim, especially with more enemies around.
  • Added an extra level in the middle of the game.
  • Adjusted the camera to be a little higher and looking down a little more 
  • Removed "goblin speedup" on hitting them with right click attack as it wasn't clear that this would happen.
  • Fixed some of the "torch in front of player" bugs

I'll upload as soon as I know that it is allowed. Thanks all.