Very solid roguelite framework! Well designed upgrade system, impressive enemy variety. The highlight concept for me was the shield draining fairies. They were Super annnoying, which made me respect their design. My criticisms:
There doesn't seem to be any reason to engage in melee, since the arrows are infinite and just as effective.
My first two playthroughs immediately dropped me into a boss room, which I wasn't a big fan of. The second time, I managed to take it down, and then rolled to enter a shop room with the literal 3 gold pieces that the boss dropped. Imagine how unpleasant that first impression was :P
The boss's teleport was frustrating because the boss is the same color as its projectiles, AND the projectiles remain after the boss teleports, so it was irritatingly difficult to keep track of where the boss was. I think the projectiles should be a different color from the enemies.
Other than that. I think anything else I'd ask for is just more polish like sound effects and music. I think you've set up a very good foundation here that's ripe for expansion with more enemy variety and upgrade types if you wanted to. Great work!