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(1 edit)

Hi! Im Bill Cipher( just kidding XD ) and I can teach you the secrets of the universe( mostly how to make good games using the godot engine )!

Im currently working on a cricket game for mobile and next, I plan to make devkits for people who want to be designers using the godot engine, to make games without code!

My discord ID is : SoalReaperCaptain#7773


Hi again,

I would love for you to help me but I do not ad cannot get discord.  If we could talk on here that would be much appreciated!

but it is hard to teach here. You can just simply make a discord account.

but it is hard to teach here. You can just simply make a discord account.

No, I am sorry to mess you around like this but I just can't get it.  

If you have any more ideas please let me know.

how about zoom?

Ah! No my stupid computer doesn't have enough room.

I am really sorry about wasting your time like this  :(

If I can get those things soon then I will contact you again.


Uh...zoom and discord both are on websites...


Huh, weird whenever I click on it, it says that I don't have room.  Sorry!

I am terrible with computery things!

Anyway I will not waste your time anymore.  You have already helped me!  I now at least understand what discord is! :) Thanks so much!

Glad I could help 😃

You really did! :)


? any problem? Go ahead share, ill help :)