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Quite an interesting and unique game! I certainly didn't expect a (partially) traditional rhythm game from this asset pack. I did find it quite challenging when I tried to play it "correctly", but I also felt it was a bit easy to cheese. I found a lot more success completely giving up on paying attention to the music OR the enemies, and instead just mashing all four directions and left click as much as I could. I think the concept could be a lot more comfortable if the dancing and combat portions weren't quite so simultaneous. For example, rather than missing notes spawning enemies, you could have the enemies spawn independently while hitting notes fills up a "mana" reserve for casting the fireballs. This would allow more of an attention-switching style of gameplay where you could look away from the notes if a lot of enemies are attacking, pay a bit less attention to the "combat" area if the coast looks clear so you can build your reserves, or end up in a hectic situation trying to do both at once if enemies come at a bad time. The mana system would discourage the "left click as much as possible" strategy that works pretty well right now, and you could introduce a penalty for extraneous rhythm inputs to combat "mash all the buttons".