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Thanks man! I am aware of the current collision issues, sadly it is an issue with my custom character controller >.> Didn't manage to iron out the last bug before time, so I'm waiting for the jam to be over before I patch it out fully, to stay with the 48 hour spirit! Right now if you get cornered you can hang back far enough in the airlock so one of the doors will close, that way the spider opposite of it will lose interest and eventually leave, but you are entirely right, could use a bit of work, maybe a check on so they don't go to rooms adjacent each other, or a simple fix by just making both the airlock doors close if you're in the center of the airlock. I'll give it some thought so I can do something about it after the jam. Thanks for the huge compliment saying this is pretty much a perfect entry! This being my first game jam that seriously makes my day ^_^

Congratulations on joining your first jam! I had my first one last month and this is now my third. By the way my game for this one is also a first-person maze runner, would appreciate some feedback if you find the time.

Sure thing, I'll have a look!