I can't play the game on Mac,when I try to open it, it says "Can't open Mac".
What do I do tell me in the replies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9TtoOJjGpU watch this and as the video asks with the unzipped app
I tried, but it doesn't work. It was like Karlson, we did the thing whit the terminal and it didn't work,I tried doing a little more research in the site and we found the right thing to put in the terminal to make I t work.
I am sure that you know that there is another "command" to put in the terminal, if you know it tell me, thank you
I tried, but it doesn't work. It was like Karlson, we did the thing whit the terminal and it didn't work,I tried doing a little more research in the site and we found the right thing to put in the terminal to make I t work.
I am sure that you know that there is another "command" to put in the terminal, if you know it tell me, thank you