Wow, this game is really polished and felt great to play! It has a really nice retro feel to it, and it’s adorable. Even the start menu has a little pig to control and select, it all adds to the charm of the game. Sound effects were on point, even the rocket flying off at the end was cool. While the level structure on normal and hard remained the same, the placement of the trees which create the sections and paths within the level was different and procedurally generated each time, which is awesome. Accomplishing all this in 48 hours is an amazing feat. I like the concept of farming for carrots to be used as an attack and to self-heal too, but yeah, I would like to see more uses for them.
I know this is due to the game jam time limit, but I guess my only criticism is to have more variety in the mechanics and enemies, because right now, changing the difficulty only means bigger level and more enemies; it doesn’t introduce much depth other than the reduced chicken-time. Great work! Would love to see more of it!