A nice puzzle platformer, reminds me of The Lost Vikings. The movement feels good, controls are alright, and each character has its own unique strength and weakness. I like the concept of being able to use the right character for the right job. I think the level design requires too precise of a timing/movement, some jumps can only be made if the double jump was performed at the very peak of the first jump with the right momentum and timing. Normally this would be okay, but there are 2 other characters to worry about, and a puzzle that has to be restarted if solved wrongly, so it can become a little overwhelming to expect the player to be perfect. You can try to counteract this by offering multiple solutions to the puzzle. The floaty push and collision makes it too easy to mistakenly place the springs in an irreversible position, forcing a restart that can feel discouraging and unfair at times. Also, once a character reaches the goal, it will not be controllable, again, forcing a restart if the other 2 characters still needed him. I think the accumulation of these problems made it feel less polished, even though the mechanics are there - there’s coyote-time, start-stop acceleration, good air control, etc. things that make a good platformer. I even noticed that there is a slight chromatic aberration near the edges of the screen, which sets a nice tone for the game. All in all, I enjoyed playing this game for a bit, good job!