put forest mode 9 crewmates 1 bear first bear he or she can be him and crewmates have a torch bear can make it rain to make the torch with no light like electricity and the rain will gone after 20 seconds and he or she can make it rain every 60 seconds and the way to crewmates win is one will have a bear trap and one have a web crossbow he can throw the web every 46 seconds but the bear have ability to run every 40 seconds if he get in the bear trap he will make a sound and can get from the trap after 10 seconds and if he get caught by the web crossbow he lose and if the one have bear trap or web crossbow die there things will be on the ground but do not worry bear can just attack every 15 seconds so they can not stay there and crewmates can take the bear trap or crossbow web before his killing time get back and that is a suggestion for among us 2