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Wow, really appreciate the in-depth examination. Let's see how long my reply is gonna be, gonna make it as a list so it won't look like an essay haha

  • You are right, ghosts can't cross sliding secret doors. I guess i can make those areas walkable in the navmesh, but then they will corner you which is what the flask is for, so problem solved hehe. In the current public build I couldn't reproduce that you wouldn't be able to put down a flask in an open secret door. I managed to get pretty much in front of a ghost that can't dross the door and put my flask right in front of it, but also on it.
  • In the game jam build I forgot to reset the bottle counter upon reset,
    but the actual counter in the code still continues works, so if you had it at 1 when you reset it, it will start at 1 in the new game, but the interface will show 0. Will address this in the update.
  • As you probably read, jumping was supposed to be disabled for the public
    build. I just used it to get faster through levels for playtesting other areas, but forgot to take it out again when the deadline hit.
  • The hole in the room with the silver key is plugged for the post jam version, no more falls to eternal damnation ;)
  • The 2 key bug you found is a bit puzzling, because I can't reproduce it. The door needs a golden key and a silver key, indicated by the golden and silver keypad an either side. The golden key is in the maze on the left, the silver one in the room with two ghosts and a lot of crates. Both have normal bronze/copper keys in them as well, so you can approach them in whatever order you like. I tried it out just now and while there is a click when approaching the same keypad again after activating it, because it just checks for the bool on the player whether they have the key or not, but for me it does not open the gate. No clue what causes it for you, because I have it as a condition that both Silver/GoldenKeyActivated bools on the gate need to be true for it to open. Guess need to playtest more to figure out how this could still happen.
  • There is actually a sound cue when ghosts discover you, it might be a little subtle and is too similar to their normal moaning, but I DID think of it :) Might have to make it more aggressive though.
  • Since you mentioned it, I actually had the intention of the player turning into a ghost at the end of the game if they have been using ghost mode too many times, but didn't have time to flesh that idea out.

I'm on the fence a bit whether to expand the game beyond its current size, because it deviates from my usual style, which could be 'fixed' by swapping assets among other things, I guess. But also my usual style has only been two other gamejam games, so it's not necessarily set in stone either. Hearing though that someone would actually play it for a couple hours will let me at least consider it more. I had a couple of ideas that I didn't add during the jam to keep the scope small enough to finish it in the limited time I had available last week (technically I still have over 10h of working time available).

Thanks again for your input, if you find any more things or play the post jam version eventually don't hold back to write another essay ;)

Sure thing man! Glad to see you're taking feedback to heart! I'll definetly play the post gamejam version one it comes out. Good luck with further development ^_^