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(1 edit)

Great work! I really liked the sound design and polish (lighting, post processing effects, etc).

There was definitely a mind fuck moment when I first mutated! That effect is so cool.

When it comes to mechanics, there were a couple of nitpicks/observations that I have.

  • I didn't know that the flask was used to suck in ghosts (I tried to jump over them unsuccessfully the first 4 attempts lol) Maybe there was a prompt that I missed.
  • Once I found out that the flask was used to suck ghosts, it seemed a bit easy to just kite the ghosts to you and then drop your flask in front of them. I'm not sure if there was too much depth to that.
  • I kind of ran ass backwards into the hidden door. found it by mistake which was a bit weird.
  • The mutate mechanic was a super cool effect, but it wasn't clear to me what it did / what it was needed for.
  • I'm not sure if it was intentional, but you could still get hit by monsters while they getting sucked into the flask. It didn't feel natural to me (I think they would be helpless when getting sucked in).

Overall though, I thought the game was awesome! Once again, great work!

Thanks for playing and leaving a lot of notes. 

  • jumping is already turned off for the next update, so there won't be that confusion :)
  • catching ghosts would be more difficult as soon as you have to encounter more than one ghost at a time, because you have to maneuver away from the ghost that still chases after you while the other one gets sucked in. sometimes ghosts still lash out to you when they get sucked in for the same reason, to keep the player on their toes :)
  • mutate mechanic turns you into a ghost, so the other ghosts stop chasing you and you can't get hurt by them. useful when you have more than one ghost chasing like in the last room with the silver key, where you have to go around the crates, but ghosts can move right through

hope that clears most of those. really appreciate the input though, because it shows me where more explaining needs to be done :)