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Hi! I checked the trailer and it looks interesting. I will definitely try your game when it is released. 

I have been to both cities as well. They have a very distinct atmosphere but both are fantastic! I admire the hard-work in your art and would love to see you perform if you come to Turkey again.  Also, I have been learning Spanish for the last two months and heard that Portuguese is very similar to it, so having native friends is much appreciated. If you ever need help with Turkish or the country itself please let me know :)


Hii! thanks for checking the trailer! That's amazing! And so cool you're learning Spanish, Portuguese is similar indeed. If you speak Spanish and meet a Brazilian you'd get it after a while adapting to it. Our game will have the Portuguese version, so you can try that out! Hehehe
Thanks for offering your help, we already noted it down for whenever we might need it!