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No, I take that back. None of the screenshots show the problem I think I saw. Now I don't trust my memory, let me see if I can get it to happen again.

Yeah, I think I must have been confusing distance to nearest artifact with count of adjacent artifacts. There was a moment in this last playthrough where I looked at a tile that was next to both an exposed artifact and a location where I knew there was an unexposed artifact and I went "how is that possible?" But obviously it is except that my brain keeps trying to make the number be a count.

Yeah, I definitely understand the confusion. One of my play testers experienced the same thing. The game feels almost like minesweeper (in fact I even called it 'anti-minesweeper' during my planning), but unlike minesweeper the number does not mean adjacent 'mines'. Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing!

It was a weird thing. I knew what the number meant and most of the time I could plan out moves based on that but every once in a while it would flip back to the minesweeper default and I'd get confused for a moment. Brain stuff.