Hey Anjimito, thank you very much for the lengthy response.
I think it's fairly evident that if I can get away with adding interactive stuff to the VN, I will because I love making that stuff, so whether we add something like this or not comes down to how MinoAnon wants to write those scenes. It's possible that adding an interactive element to a very intimate moment messes with the pacing or the flow of the scene we want to tell. I've played ExAc a couple years ago and the interactive elements in those scenes really elevated the scene for me so I get where you're coming from.
Another thing to consider is that the CGs featuring Asterion are considerably more laborious than other games since we have to account for Asterion's fur color, clothing, and many more customization options we'll be adding later. That's why Asterion's clothing at the end of build 0.3 is fixed to his more formal outfit (besides story reasons)- I would have had to draw one t-shirt for each background on top of everything else.
I'll answer with a "maybe, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
Also thank you for praising the art, I know I'm not on par with a lot of insanely talented people working on other VNs but I appreciate the compliment, and I'm doing my best to get better at it. I think the sprites for the more recent characters in the upcoming build are an improvement over some of the older sprites like Kota and Luke's (the latter of which I'm tweaking a little for 0.4) so hopefully people's opinion on it will improve a little.