Alright time for my second devlog.
April 10 2016
So for the last week I have been writing binary formatters to create .dat files to save and load data to and from the game among other things.
- I fixed 2 physics bugs.
- When a moving platform squishes the character it used to fling the character. Now it ignores the collider and goes below the character.
- Player does not get knocked back when it hits some them at an angle that is right beside the corner of the player's hit box.
- Now there is a Mario style world map system.
- Unlocked levels show up as a gold star.
- locked levels show up as a black star.
- Player can move around on the world map and select the levels.
- Better Options menu now.
- Made a debug mode for better testing in editor.
For the next week I will
- Try to have the first three levels fully playable
- Finished the options menu
- Make the levels fastest time and high score also save to the data file.
- Finish the enemies AI system.
- Set up a downloadable exe for people to grab and test for them selves.
Here is a video showing some of the previously mentioned additions to the project.
Cheers mates and have a good day.