I enjoy the idea of the plague doctor healing with various flower petals and really enjoyed the music (though it starting over each time I switched scenes was a little sad ;P)
I didn't really find much challenge to the game as the character seems to have a really significant amount of health. The flying orbs of pestilence were cool but they deal much damage when they'd eventually catch up to me. Lastly, the crafting was reeeeeally tedious. It took a while for me to realize I could use the arrow keys to choose the petals to craft with but even when I did, having to move between three objects to craft one potion when you're crafting a good 6 or 7 each time you pop in can be a little much. What would've worked better for me is have a table of sorts that looks like something to build potions with, maybe have an animation for the character and make all the potions possible (and let the player know how much they made).
Alternatively, you could play off of the tediousness of the task. If while you're in your house the plague fog continues to move closer in, there is more emphasis on making a few quickly instead of making as many as you can. Might be interesting