Hello, my name's isn't really Del_Duio. It's what I go by in Internet land.I've been making games since 1987 or so when I started learning BASIC on my buddy's Apple ][e. Eventually I did a little Pascal and then Visual Basic 6 in the early 2000's. Since 2005 I've exclusively used Multimedia Fusion (on version 2.5 currently) and I really like it.
I've probably finished a grand total of 16 games ever, some being quite long. There are a handful that exist in my DXF Games website still.
My notable titles include:
Just a Cleric
Equin the Lantern
The Outlaw, The Drunk, & The Whore
Neil Peart- Mission: The Camera Eye
Hasslevania 2 (In progress)
Currently I am in Steam Greenlight Limbo with Just a Cleric. After that goes through I'm going to finish Hasslevania 2, which has been in development for 8 years now. There's a demo for Just a Cleric on my itch.io page here if you'd like to check it out: https://del-duio.itch.io
I do all my own art, coding, music, testing and all that and I do not really believe in charging others via a Kickstarter campaign when it can be done yourself in your free time. It's just how I feel about that subject, no offense to you who have one for your projects.
I've played bass for 24 years and dabble in drums and guitar as well. I'm a giant Star Trek fan, especially DS9 and TNG.
I think that covers it