this game is awesome!!
the level design is amazing and I love the diverse range of foods you made.
my quick feedback is this:
there is one level where the door should be locked but isn't locked, and there is a bug where your vomit meter recharges when your head is touching the ceiling.
here is my level design feedback:
In the levels with the burgers it often was easier just to use your regular mode to do the button than to get the burger.
I think that there should be one more level, which includes every power up you have found so far, as the current last level is more of a test of skill, and doesn't incorporate the puzzle element of the game. I honestly thought it was the second last level, and since level design is clearly one of your strengths, i think a final gauntlet could be really cool
as this game is very long, you could have the game "end" a bit earlier (maybe 10 or so levels in) and have an option to keep playing extra levels. It would provide a place for players to stop and feel satisfied if they weren't up for the really hard levels.
overall, I think this game is so cool, and everything about it comes together well (sound, art, programming, design).
keep making games!